Friday, November 7, 2014

End of Season Celebration

The Dons advance in the PAL tournament and play this Saturday at Burlingame High School at 11:00am. Please come and cheer them on as they play the Burlingame Panthers!

Water Polo families: Please check your e-mail for the End of Season Celebration invitation. If you did not receive the invitation, please email Lauren at RSVP with the number of people from your family that are attending. Roxanne will be collecting money at Aragon this coming Monday (11/10).

We hope to see you this weekend and at the dinner celebration!



Water Polo never stops... 
High school students, younger siblings and friends: Register for Winter Water Polo! 
  • Burlingame Aquatic Club: Competitive Girls and Boys Teams
  • Golden State Aquatics at Serra High School: Co-Ed youth program
  • San Mateo Athletic Club and Aquatic Center at College of San Mateo: Recreational youth program 
  • Stanford Water Polo: Competitive Girls and Boys Teams

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Together!

Dons Water Polo fans,
October finished off with wins for both the Giants and the Dons! The Varsity girls celebrated their last home game and Senior Day with a 28-5 win over the Terra Nova Tigers. This week the Dons will play in 3 games at the Peninsula Athletic League Tournament. The action starts on Tuesday at 4:45pm versus Woodside High School (Bay number 4 seed) or Mills (Ocean number 4 seed). If we win, we will move on to attend the Central Coast Section Playoffs beginning next Tuesday, 11/11. 

Please view the P.A.L. Tournament schedule:

CCS information:

This Week:
11/3 Monday: Practice 3:30-5:15
11/4 Tuesday: P.A.L. Tournament C.C.S. Play-In (Woodside or Mills)
Game at 4:45pm
(vs. Woodside @ Menlo College)
11/5 Wednesday: Practice 5pm-6:15pm
11/6 Thursday: P.A.L. Tournament:
Game at: 3:30pm or 6:00pm  
(vs. TBD @ Woodside High School)
11/7 Friday: Practice 3:30-5:15pm
11/8 Saturday: P.A.L. Tournament:
Game at 8:00am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, or 5:00pm
(vs. TBD @ Burlingame High School)

We are currently planning the End of Season banquet. If anyone has a conflict with Wednesday, November 19 or Thursday, November 20, please e-mail one of the coaches. We really want all players and their families to attend! 

Come cheer for the girls at Menlo College on Tuesday at 4:45, We're looking forward to it!
-Roxanne and Lauren