Sunday, March 1, 2015

First Swim Meet and Spring Sportsmanship Night 2015

Hello Aragon Aquatics Family! We have our first meet of the season this coming Thursday 3/5 and are thrilled to welcome Sequoia to Aragon at 3:30pm. We are so grateful to the families who have already signed up to help this event (swim) smoothly. The Swim Coaches will have more information at the Mandatory Sportsmanship Night this coming Tuesday, 3/3, at 6:45pm, in the Aragon Gym, with Mr. Sell. *(this is a correction from the earlier stated time of 6pm) 

Swim Meet Essentials:
  • Click HERE for a great resource in having a successful swim meet.
  • What to bring in your swim bag: extra towels, extra sweatpants, snacks, no club suits or caps
  • When we swim at home, we swim in the odd lanes. When we are the visitors, we swim in the even lanes
  • 2015 Rule Changes: “On the finish, backstroke may not be completely submerged under, i.e. some part of the swimmer's body should be on the surface as they finish."
  • This Thursday: 1:45-2:15pm: Pool Set-up, covers, chairs, tables, benches, timing equipment, touch pads. 2:30-3:00pm: Warm-Up3:30pm: Swim Meet Begins  

Great News, we are now accepting parent volunteers at/or before Sportsmanship Night, reporting for duty this Thursday, 3/5; especially those who have experience, or a willingness to learn any of the following desirable positions:

Timers (>6 per meet), Announcer, Scorekeeper, Meet Director, Ticket Runner, Stroke & Turn Judge, Meet Referee, Clerk of Course, Starter, Computer, Computer Assistant, Colorado Timing System, Meet Photographer, Hospitality, Newspaper Communications, Any other way you think you can support the cause! 
To join our team, please email Coach Roxanne: or 
Coach Lauren: before 3/5. GO DONS!

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